If you’re having trouble making your payments, or think you might, we’ll be happy to talk to you about options we can offer about your payments. The sooner we know the more we can do. We can work with you to identify the best next option whether that’s a payment break or an affordable repayment plan.
If you’d like to get some free, impartial advice, go to the government backed, independent, free to use service Moneyhelper (moneyhelper.org.uk) or call them on 0800 138 7777#.
Whether you’ve been caught off guard by higher bills and payments, uncertain income, loss of a job, or finding yourself in a difficult situation that may need an expert’s view, they can help you find your way forward and take the first step towards getting on top of things.
If you need any additional support to help you manage your account, or if there is anything we should know about your circumstances to enable us to help you better, please get in touch and tell us.
When life throws something at you, we’re here to help. From difficulties with physical or mental health to serious illness and other sudden and unexpected life events. If you feel like you can’t manage your finances, we’re ready to provide you with the support you need. Additionally, if you’d like to get some free, impartial advice, go to the government backed, independent, free to use service Moneyhelper (moneyhelper.org.uk) or call them on 0800 138 7777#.
We won’t judge. We’ll use the information you provide us to understand how we can support you.
You can find out more about how we have already helped customers like you. We’ve gathered some of our customers stories here. If any of these sound like your situation, please contact us.
Please think carefully about whether Drafty is the right solution for you. This is even more important if you're in financial difficulty. If we don't think you can afford to repay your credit, we won't be able to approve you. We'll look at your current finances and credit history before we decide whether to give you credit. Failure to repay could impact your credit file.