Please note the content on this site is for the Drafty Line of Credit product only. If you are looking for information about a Drafty Personal Loan, please visit our FAQs.

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Issues & Complaints

When you think something isn’t right

If you have a concern about our service or performance, we want to hear about it straight away. We can usually sort things out quickly and without fuss. However, you always have the right to make a formal complaint to us.

The best way to contact us or making a formal complaint is by logging into your account and chatting with us. You can also contact us:

We are available from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday.

We'll acknowledge your complaint within two business days of receiving it. We’ll give you our final answer within eight weeks.

If you're not satisfied with our final response or have not received a final response from us within 8 weeks of making your complaint, the Financial Ombudsman Service may be able to help - visit or phone 0800 023 4567 (free from most phone networks).

Download our full complaints handling procedure here.

How many complaints have been reported to the FCA in the last reporting period

Firm Name: GAIN Credit LLC

Trading Names Covered: Lending Stream, Drafty, bettercredit, & Afforda

Reporting Period: January 2024 - June 2024

Brand Drafty All brands under GAIN Credit LLC
Product / Service / Grouping Credit Related Credit Related
Provision (at reporting period end date) 0.69% 1.47%
Number of complaints opened 519 3104
Number of complaints closed 517 3370
Percentage upheld 33.66% 41.04%

Drafty is an FCA-authorised provider of a Revolving Line of Credit with a credit limit of up to £3000, available to borrow as and when you need it (subject to affordability checks). You only pay interest on what you draw/use.

Representative Example: Assumed credit limit: £1200. Representative 96.2% APR (variable). Annual interest rate 69.4% (variable).

There is no set minimum or maximum repayment term, so long as the minimum monthly repayment sum is met, however, you may repay back early without any fees and save on interest.

drafty club