52 Week Savings Challenge – How to Save £1378 in 1 Year?

52 Week Savings Challenge

Saving money may seem daunting, especially if you have little experience with it. But fear not, the 52 week money saving challenge offers a practical approach to building your savings.

In this article, we’ll explore the 52 week savings challenge: its mechanics, advantages, and how it empowers you to save money effectively throughout the year.

What is the 52 week money challenge?

What is the 52 Week Money Challenge

The 52 week money challenge is designed to help you save significant money over a year. It involves saving a small amount, usually £1 per week, and increasing the amount by £1 each week. By the end of the challenge, you’ll have saved a total of £1,378.

WeekWeekly SavingsTotal Savings
Week 1£1£1
Week 2£2£3
Week 3£3£6
Week 4£4£10
Week 5£5£15
Week 6£6£21
Week 7£7£28
Week 8£8£36
Week 9£9£45
Week 10£10£55
Week 11£11£66
Week 12£12£78
Week 13£13£91
Week 14£14£105
Week 15£15£120
Week 16£16£136
Week 17£17£153
Week 18£18£171
Week 19£19£190
Week 20£20£210
Week 21£21£231
Week 22£22£253
Week 23£23£276
Week 24£24£300
Week 25£25£325
Week 26£26£351
Week 27£27£378
Week 28£28£406
Week 29£29£435
Week 30£30£465
Week 31£31£496
Week 32£32£528
Week 33£33£561
Week 34£34£595
Week 35£35£630
Week 36£36£666
Week 37£37£703
Week 38£38£741
Week 39£39£780
Week 40£40£820
Week 41£41£861
Week 42£42£903
Week 43£43£946
Week 44£44£990
Week 45£45£1,035
Week 46£46£1,081
Week 47£47£1,128
Week 48£48£1,176
Week 49£49£1,225
Week 50£50£1,275
Week 51£51£1,326
Week 52£52£1,378

How to start the 52 week savings challenge?

How to Start the 52 Week Savings Challenge

1. Set a savings goal

Whether it’s an emergency fund, a dream vacation fund, a down payment for a house, or even a shopping spree, having a clear savings goal will keep you motivated throughout the challenge.

2. Customise your approach

While the traditional 52 week savings challenge starts at £1 in Week 1, you can customise it to fit your budget and preferences. If saving increasing amounts at the beginning of the year seems overwhelming, consider doing it in reverse. If a small amount fits better into your budget, go for it.

3. Create a savings plan

To make the challenge easier to manage, plan ahead.

Set aside the weekly savings amount as soon as you receive your paycheck or allocate it from your spending money. Automate your savings by setting up a direct deposit into a high-yield savings account to eliminate any temptation to spend the money elsewhere.

4. Track your progress

Track Progress of Your 52 Week Money Saving Challenge

Tracking your progress in this savings challenge is essential for staying motivated and accountable. Use a spreadsheet, a savings app, or even a visually appealing savings tracker printable to monitor your money challenge.

Also read about: How to save money when shopping for food

Tips to stay on track to complete your 52 week money challenge

1. Make it a team effort

Encourage your friends, family, or colleagues to join the 52 week savings challenge with you. Holding each other accountable, as sharing progress can turn money-saving challenges into a fun and supportive group activity.

2. Get creative with your savings

Look for creative ways to add extra money to your savings pot throughout the challenge. Cut back on unnecessary expenses like dining out or impulse purchases. Try DIY projects instead of buying expensive items. Take advantage of free or low-cost entertainment options in your area.

Small changes in your spending habits can add to significant savings over time.

3. Adjust your savings amounts

If the set amount in the traditional challenge feels too challenging or unrealistic, don’t be afraid to adjust them. The most important thing is to maintain consistent savings habits.

Even if you save small amounts, you’re still making progress towards your financial goals and adding to your saving account. Adapt the challenge to suit your income and expenses.

4. Use technology to your advantage

Leverage the power of technology to support your savings journey. Numerous budgeting apps, savings trackers, and online resources are available to help you stay organised, motivated, and in control of your purchase decisions.

From apps that automatically calculate your savings to those that provide any financial tip or idea, technology can be your best friend on this savings adventure.

5. Embrace frugality

Embracing frugality can be a game-changer in your 52 week challenge.

Look for ways to save cash in your everyday life, such as meal prepping, using discount codes, buying second-hand items, or negotiating better deals on your bills. Every penny saved is a penny closer to your savings goal.

6. Celebrate milestones

Let’s not kid ourselves; we all know how difficult it is to save consistently. After all, if it were easy, we wouldn’t have to motivate ourselves with a challenge now, would we?

Set milestones for yourself, such as reaching the halfway mark or saving a certain amount. Treat yourself to a small reward (within your budget) to acknowledge your dedication and motivate yourself to keep going.

Benefits of the 52 week money saving challenge

1. Helps in building a saving habit

The challenge helps you get into the groove of saving money regularly. Week after week, you’ll put aside some cash, creating a cool habit of squirrelling away your hard-earned pounds.

2. Starts small and grows

The best part is that it’s not a massive burden right from the start. You kick things off by saving a small amount, and as the weeks go by, you gradually increase the savings. If you have extra cash and want to save more, go for it! It’s all about finding what works for you and your finances.

3. Boosts your money skills

This challenge teaches you some key money skills. You won’t be overwhelmed because you start small and work your way up. It helps you develop discipline and learn how to allocate spare income.


The 52 week savings challenge is an exciting and effective way to develop disciplined saving habits and reach financial goals. By starting small and gradually increasing your savings, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accumulate over a year.

Remember, saving money doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. It’s about taking control of your finances, achieving your dreams, and building a solid foundation for a brighter future.


Can I start the 52 week money challenge at any time?

Yes, you can start the challenge at any time. You can also modify the start date and end date as per your situation.

How to do 100 envelope challenge in 52 weeks?

Save money with the 100 Envelope Challenge in 52 weeks by labelling 100 envelopes with values from £1 to £100, and contribute a set amount each week to the corresponding envelope, staying consistent with your contributions.

What is the no spend challenge?

The no-spend challenge is a personal finance challenge where individuals or families commit to a specific period (e.g., a week, a month) of not spending money on non-essential items or services. The challenge encourages mindful spending, helps identify spending habits, and allows participants to save money and reduce unnecessary consumption.

Disclaimer: We are not providing financial advice. These are just tips for informational purposes.

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